Pretty Little Liars 4x13 "Grave New World" del 3
Pretty Little Liars 4x13 "Grave New World" del 2
Pretty Little Liars 4x13 "Grave New World" del 1
Nu kommer lite sneak peek/spoiler bilder från Halloween avsnittet 4x13
som kommer 22 oktober.
You'll love it," Janel says about Ravenswood. "If you're a PLL fan, you'll be a Ravenswood fan.."
· "If Wilden's looking for his car, he's not A.." Good point, huh? ;)
· Lol, "Ex and the City.." New on ABC Family!
· I think it should be noted that Eddie was the one who gave Spencer the puzzle..
· And Wren didn't know that Spence was in Radley?? Does that make him not!A too..? Either? Grammar..
· He definitely has control over Eddie, that's for sure..
· Ooh who hit Alison..? I'll bet anything she threw the first punch..
· Aww Spencer's PI :( I actually saw some someone call that, well done! I guess he "knew too much.. -A"
· Nooo don't make Caleb cry!! Do whatever you want with Filler!Haleb but you can't make Caleb cryyyyyyy!:(
· Lol, "she said her name was Alison." Hoooo boy...
· The name on Mona's ID tag was Ali.. She wanted to be her so bad..
· That was one trippy hallucination, Spence, I thought they didn't have you on the good stuff..?
· Wren is acting very A-like, I think this rules him out as A :(
· Ezria broke uuuuuup! The trumpets sound ♪♫ La la laaa.. But is it for good? Probably not, it never is..
· And Toby's tattoo rears its ugly head again.. So is he dead, or isn't he..? Does anybody else hear Randy from Scream yelling, "his body'll come popping up in the last reel somewhere! Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!"
· EDIT: Someone on tumblr suggested that the tattoo looked.. "smudged"..? ;)
· And OHHH SPENCER'S ON THE A-TEEEEEAM! But is she a double agent..?
"There's a formula to it! A very. simple. formula! EVERYBODY'S A SUSPECT!" :)
- A Messages: 1, about A framing Jamie.. Dun dun dunnn.
- Questions Answered: What do you think..?
- New Questions: Aint nobody got time for that!
- Not in this episode: Jason, Paige, Mona, Jenna, Noel, Lucas, Wilden, Melissa, Cece, couple other "little people" and (all together now!) Mmmmmmmi-- yeah, you know.. :(
Spoiler! nr. 2
Credit by the A-mazing:Mona VanderwaalFinale *SPOILERS*....
Don't go down there if you don't want to see!!
.At your risk !
.Ezrians will be shocked in the season finale! It was revealed by Ashley Benson that all the liars will be trapped with the A-Team and a killer might be with them.
Prettiest Liars Ever
-Don't go down there if you don't want to see!!
.At your risk !
-Jenna & Melissa are in the Finale.
-Spencer Comes face-to-face with the girl in the red coat.
-We find out who is in the 'Queen of Hearts' costume.
-We find out Alison's killer.
[SPOILER ALERT] Because ♪ Nootes.. ♪♫· Sounds like Spencer didn't get into Radley on purpose..?· Unless the Joker card symbolises she's aware she's faking it..· Did anybody recognise what Spencer was playing on the piano? Might be relevant..·· "Every time someone says "family" or "parents" on this show, they should totally do air quotes" (Heather Hogan)
· Hello Wilden! So does that mean Toby's realy *really* dead, or do we move on to Jason now..?
· A reminder that E Lamb is in the system - can we trust him?
· Lol, Emily: "Yes, I swim.."
· "Nothing works underwater, it's a scientific fact!" :)
· Do you ever wonder if they're sorry Emily let those guys throw out all of Alison's things in the first episode? I still can't believe they did that..
· Byron: "I spend a lot of my time making amends to someone for something" Ezra: "There's no shortage of bad judgement in this world.." You guys both sound like A right now, FYI..
· So Toby's Mom was cray-cray..
· I hate how Mona calls Ali 'Ali'..
· "You're as sane as I am.." Well that's comforting!
· Soo what was in that car that Wilden wanted so bad..? A body, perhaps..?
· And now Spencer's hallucinating..
· Woohoo we're going to carnivale! Next week look's creeeeepy, I can't wait! Another body, and Emily looks upset!
- A Messages: Not a one. The cone is silent.. EDIT: Oh the photo of Ashley & Wilden! Duh.. Tx Samantha ;)
- Questions Answered: Ali wasn't pregnant. Oh, and Wilden isn't dead :(
- New Questions: Which Radley employee was helping Mona on the inside?
- Not in this episode: Jason, Paige, Caleb, Wren, Lucas, Noel, Jenna (sorry Holly), Cece. .......Mike.
[SPOILER ALERT] because Notes!
· Tonight's ep was directed by Chad Lowe (Byron Montgomery) just FYI..
· "New rule, it goes on the phone"? NEW?? You've been doing this for 3 years, you should be pro's at this by now, ugh!
· Nice one - Aria keeps a secret from Ezra for weeks and Ezra's the one who apologises..
· Loved the Paily/Hanna car scene :)
· "Toby is as loyal as a Labrador.."
· I'm sorry but I just don't accept that Wilden got Ali pregnant.. This is PLL, if we know anything it's that as soon as the show throws suspicion on someone, they are no longer a suspect - Wilden's no baby daddy, Cece's not Big A, we are supposed to be shocked..
· Was anyone else yelling 'FOLLOW HERRRRR' (but look both ways before you cross the street) at Spence when she spotted Red Coat? But then, "well maybe she went down an alley or up those steps KEEP FOLLOWING HERRR!!!" Lol..
· "Knowing my Mother, it probably has a tracking device in it.."
· I don't blame Ashley for what she did, I just wish it wasn't on camera - A is rubbing their grimy paws together now for sure..
· And Ali spent a whole summer with Melissa Hastings and never told the PLLs..??
- A Messages: Just the one on Spencer's mirror..
- Questions Answered: Mmm, does finding out about the BFFs 5eva Ali, Cece, Wilden and Melissa count?
- New Questions: A million and one, just like last week, and the week before, and--
- Not in this episode: Toby, Jason, Caleb, Mona, Jenna, MIIIIIKE, Lucas, Wesley.
3x21 "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"
3x21 "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"
The PLLs are looking for answers in all of the wrong places in "Out of Sight, Out of Mind," an all new episode of ABC Family's hit original series "Pretty Little Liars," airing Tuesday, February 26th (8:00 - 9:00 PM ET/PT).
Spencer is finally ready to talk, but Emily is not so ready to accept what she has to say. Will she heed Spencer's warnings or will Emily go off to find her own answers down a path "A" has designed for her?
Hanna, on the other hand, is preoccupied with helping her mother after Ashley is involved in a hit-n-run accident. Now having a new secret to hide, Hanna wonders if "A" had something to do with it after all. With Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer are now really afraid does "A" have them right where they want them?
Meanwhile, Aria has to come to terms with Ezra's new life with Malcolm.
[SPOILER ALERT] Because Notes!
· Haleb - filler, but I guess we have to learn about Caleb somehow, like how Sticky Fingers is genetic..
· Ezria, Wesria et al - filler, because Dianne is "so hateful..!"
· Isn't it funny how misleading sneak peeks can be, I saw one freakout after another when y'all thought Spencer would sleep with Andrew.. :)
· Wren is so cute. Oh just date him already, Spence, pretend Toby never existed. Wren was there first :p
· Don't you love how Melissa is just THERE like she hasn't been missing for like a year..
· My heart MELTED when I saw Caleb all dressed up to see his Dad. Mel. ted!
· Cece = world's biggest Wesria shipper..
· "If I get up again it's to pee, and I would rather do that im my pants than leave you two alone.."
· Ok so that's what the whiskey was for. One question answered, lol, woohoo, celebrate! :)
· "Mona isn't a friend, she's a link.."
· Uuuugh Cece lied and Ali really was with Wilden. Bleh!
· WAS CECE WEARING ALI'S YELLOW TOOOOP?! Wtf happened that night..
· Hanna donated $5 to the Church, add that to The Five Theory..
· Wesria gave me a toothache.. Did you see the hashtag? #TheWrongFitz haha.. Illicit smoochies = neverending secrets for poor lil Aria..
· O.O Jason! :(
· And the A Team is psychotic..
- A Messages:
On Spencer's sunglasses: Rat out T, I take down 1 of your 3. -A
Text to Emily: Better tell him to save a couple. He might need it. -A
- Questions Answered: The Whiskey bottles! And the fact that Ali really was with Wilden over the Summer, ugh.
- New Questions: Why did Cece lie? Where the heck is Jason??
- Not in this episode: Ezra, Paige, Jenna, Lucas, Noel, M I I I I K E !
Teori, spoiler mm.
Season 3, Episode 17 Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Inferno
The idiomatic expression used as the title means: escaping a bad situation for a worse one. Does this refer to Ali escaping a “situation” but still eventually led her to her demise?
Recap time.
Note: Some Photos are piled up there instead of inserting them here. Someare still inserted. If you should take notice of one, there’ll be a note saying See Photo.
Previously on PLL:
- Mona & Toby: I’m not the one calling the shots (Urrr..just pulling the trigger).
- My name is Lyndon James.
- Team Paileb wants revenge.
- Maggie, Malcolm, and Ezria.
- A-Key.
- MereDeath.
- Byron Flashback. Ali needs money.
- Spoby Breakup.
I’ve noticed that the “Previously…” section tends to cover topics covered in the current episode.
- The scene opens with a Spoby Sex Scene, one of which we don’t remember and ends up being Spencer’s nightmare. (Folks, prepare for heartbreak when you watch this episode.)
- The A-Key is still with her.

- Em is on the phone with Aria, talking about Spencer. They want her to talk to Melissa since she was “in Byron’s flashback.” They haven’t spoken to her since “the anniversary.”
- Pam enters Em’s room, hesitantly handing her a package. It’s from The James Family. Lyndon James’ family. Pam wants to take it to the cops but Em says she doesn’t want to be questioned anymore.
- Em opens the box and finds stuff from her, for Ali. A few birthday cards were opened. (These were obviously taken from the box Maya found.) Pam now works at the Police Station. When Pam leaves her room, she finds her Biology Notebook.
- Anna is icing her wrist while on the computer in the kitchen.
- Ashley’s back! With vino. They are having a mother-daughter moment, talking about Mona and a Caped Crusader (I guess The Phantom counts). Hanna doesn’t want to be “protected.” She has more than once uttered the words, “Why do you think I need protection?” (Uh, because someone has tried to kill you & has been torturing you.)
- Byron is on the phone with MereDeath’s Dad. She is “recovering”. Byron tells Aria that Meredith has a long history of issues (And he means mental illness right). Her meds were mentioned since Aria has been taking them for her. Byron says that he will not let Meredith near his family and he shouldn’t have let her in the first place. Aria is sympathetic.
- Byron starts reminiscing. (Someone just had a wakeup call, but it’s nice that they are turning him into a likeable character.)
Outside, on their way to The Brew
- Spencer, Aria, and Hanna are catching up with relationship woes. Spencer is distant. Hanna tells them that Caleb has been acting weird. Aria tells them that she plans to tell Ezra about Malcolm today.
- They are sensing Spencer’s indifference but she dismisses them and excuses herself from the group.
- At The Brew, they meet Em, asking if they—Aria and Hanna—may see the package contents she received. They all agree that they are not ready to tell the police about A.
- Em hands her Biology notebook to Hanna, who starts perusing it. They find chat conversations between Ali and a mysterious person. Keyword: Beach Hottie. Then, Aria asks why Alison was writing about Toby.
- (See Photos for notebook contents in photoset. The other person ‘sounds’ like Cece.)
- Aria calls to ask Ezra if they can meet at lunch. Hanna tells her that she should leave early.
- Hanna witnesses Paige on the phone talking to the same person who placed the Mad Cow note and Brain in Mona’s locker. It’s Caleb (10,000 points for Caleb!). Team Paileb have another action plan which Paige is attending to at 7pm that night.
- LGR. Spencer looks depressed and angry. Em walks in and checks that the stalls are empty. She tries to show Spencer the Biology notebook but she ignores it. Em tries to explain its importance, which angers Spencer, causing her to have an outburst. “Why should we care with what happened to Ali?” (If I were these girls, I would probably be angry too. She wasn’t the world’s greatest friend.) Em hands the notebook to Spencer and tells her to read it. (See Photos of notebook in photoset.)
- Flashback to Juvy Toby in a Do-Rag: Ali visited Toby while he was in Juvy, accusing him of sending the A Notes. Toby claims innocence. He also knows the truth behind the fire, who were involved. (Ali is acting so full of herself.)

- Back to the LGR. Spencer is upset and starts crying. She tells Em that she and Toby have broken up but refuses to talk about the details because she’s not ready to talk about it. (And, we know from that that the liars are not going to find out in this episode. I hope it doesn’t make things worse. Hmmm.)
- At her study group, Spencer is acting a bit…scary.

They are discussing Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. (The story covers The Chronicles of Sarah Good, and the Salem Witch Trials.) Key phrases:She became part of the group. She started believing her own lies. (So apropos with what I am reading right now.)
- Spencer gets a text from Aria, asking her to meet at the park because Ezra broke up with her. Ironically, Ella steps into the classroom. Spencer dashes out, as Ella tries to stop her. Spencer snaps.
- Spencer confronts Ezra about breaking up with Aria. She explodes, defending her friend saying that he should be angry with Maggie for keeping the baby a secret from him. Ezra is surprised. Apparently, Ezria haven’t discussed any of this yet. (Oooops and holy ____!) Spencer leaves.
Police Station
- Pam is asking a police officer for advice about Em’s unexpected package when creepy Wilden interrupts and offers to help.
- Em is reading her Biology notebook when she notices a photo. Bingo! It’s a photo of Ali and Cece in Cape May (See Photo sample in photoset).
- At the Cafeteria, Aria is looking for Spencer when she is joined by Em & Hanna. A frazzled Ezra arrives and asks to talk to her. About Spencer. About what Spencer said. About Maggie. And his son. Ezra is having a fit. They walk out and he asks her why she kept it a secret. He leaves. She cries. Then, she gets a text from A.

Police Station
- Pam is working and Wilden tries to make conversation. He brings up the Lighthouse incident. Then, he tells her a story about himself. He says he understands what Em is going through. (He is suspiciously trying hard to be nice here.)
- Spencer heats up her microwave dinner. Aria arrives. They talk about Fitz…in fast forward. Aria knew Spencer was set up because of the text. But instead of feeling relieved, Spencer starts getting angry saying that they need to stop blaming A for everything that’s going wrong in their lives. (Obviously, she is trying to defend A…Toby. Aria starts arguing about A. (I’m sorry Aria-Is-A fans, but I really don’t think she is part of the A Team, nor is she the uber A.)
- Cece is back! And talking to Em who shows her the photo she found. Em asks her who the Beach Hottie was but she doesn’t know. (Remember, you’re always better off with a really good lie.) Em asks if Jason knew. Cece says that if Jason knew, he would make him sorry he ever looked at his sister.
- Flashback to Cape May: Cece is at Annie’s Crabshack and Ali is peering behind the tree. Cece sees and goes to her. Ali is crying telling Cece that she is in trouble. She is late and might be pregnant. (Might) She hasn’t told ‘him’ either.
- Back to the present, Cece tells Em that “Ali thought she was” pregnant (thought, was).
- Aria calls Hanna, who is following Paige to a bar.
Rainbow Bar
- Hanna arrives at the bar and spots Paige having drinks with Shana.
- Spencer is texting someone to meet with someone.

Rainbow Bar
- Hanna continues to watch Paige, and gets hit-on at the bar. (Golden.)
- Aria texts Ezra if they can talk.
- Byron is making amends, grilled cheese et al.
- Knock, knock. Emily. They talk about Ali possibly being pregnant. They decide to take the evidence to the police. Em will.
- Aria gets a text response.
Rainbow Bar
- Hanna keeps getting hit-on by the same chick. They start to dance, pink drink in hand. Then, someone comes at her and throws her drink at Hanna. She gets carded.
Police Station
- Pam and Em are talking about the notebook.
In the car
- Spencer is struggling, trying to keep herself together.
Police Station
- Hanna arrives. Em sees her. Hanna tells her she got busted at the bar…no club…no bar.
- Wilden arrives. Em hands him the notebook. Wilden is still acting really strange.
- Hanna tells Em that she shouldn’t have given it to him.
- While getting coffee, Emily spots a photo of Wilden at Cape May. (See Photo of Wilden at Cape May in photoset.)
- Spencer meets with a new character. He hands him the A-Key and a torn photo of Toby. (Is he the same PI her dad hired? If I had the A-Key, I would definitely try and find where it is and what is in there. Spencer did the smart thing and hired a PI to cover her tracks.)
- The Marins get home. Ashley wants answers and she mostly gets them. (These two have the best lines, ever.)
Fitz Apartment
- Fitz is leaving. Aria arrives. He has spoken to Maggie who explained that she unfairly asked Aria to keep the secret. They’re okay. (Whuuut?!)
- He’s leaving to meet his son. He’ll be staying at a friend’s house and/or a motel. Aria asks if she can call him and he stifles a cry. (His world is about to change. But that ‘breakup’ was meh. Again, nothing happens to Ezria. Meh.)
A’s Antics
- Dolls and a Torch. Gee what’s next? But why does Hanna get it?
- Note Red Polish. In the preview, hands look similar to Mona’s.

My Thoughts
- I would rant about the Ezria non-breakup but I would be wasting time and web space.
- I can see why there might be a misconception about the pregnancy. If she indeed was pregnant, she might have needed the money from Byron so she could take care of it. I’m just surprised this has never come up in any of their meetups with Cece.
- Next week’s preview is scary. You need to see it.
[Spoiler Alert] It's NOTES time.. Hope you're not looking forward to this, because I didn't get a lot out of this ep..
· Not sure if I trust Byron yet or not..
· The Emily/James Family scene ties in with the reason Hanna & Emily found another birthday card in Maya's bag (in Noel's cabin)
· TBH, when we saw that text from Aria to Spencer, without actually seeing Aria & Ezria have the conversation, I knew it was a set-up.. You handled that well, Spence.
· Wilden's "having to watch someone leave this world, even someone who deserves to be punished.." was very A-like..
· So, we knew from Pretty Dirty Secrets that Paige & Shana were friends, doesn't mean Paige is hooking up with her, though, or that Shana's even gay.. What did she say, though, "I miss you, and if they play an uncut version of this, I may have to kiss you.." Is that a song lyric? It rhymed..
· So Wilden was in Cape May, this DOESN'T NECESSARILY MEAN they were there at the same time..
· And it's only taken the PLLs 3 years to hire a PI to tail A. Good job.
· Ashley questioning Hanna's "new feelings" and "lesbian codes" was adorable..
· I was watching this ep with my Mom, and in the scene where Ezra is packing his car, she goes "whoops, he's leaving," and I immediately reply "good riddance.." I'm sorry, Ezrians! But I could literally *hear* all your feels when Ezra started crying, k? I feel ya..
· And we close on a shot of A proceeding to "de-face" Hanna, as promised. That's not creepy..
In conclusion, my reaction to Ali's news was, "you've *got* to be kidding me. What show am I watching??" I just never expected PLL to go in this direction.. So do you think it was Ian's? Because I have this very ooold theory, I don't know if you remember it, that puts Melissa in killer top billing.. (Remember "where is she??")
- A Messages: 'Thought you needed a little push, so I pushed "send" for you. -A'
- Questions Answered: It was Caleb who put the cow brain in Mona's locker. And ew.
- New Questions: Who's Ali's Baby Daddy?
- Not in this episode: Mona, Jason, Caleb, Wren, Jenna, Melissa, Lucas, Mike..
Pretty Little Liars: TV Line's 'Ask Ausiello'
No word yet on whether Aria is carrying her own little one, but get this: “Ezra will find out that he has a son” in an upcoming episode, which provides “a nice family moment between him, Aria and [his child] Malcolm,” shares exec producer I. Marlene King. Of course, Ezra won’t immediately discover how long Aria kept this secret form him — but the truth will eventually come out. Still, when all is said and done, “the ‘Ezria’ story will end in a very interesting place this year,” adds King. “It’s kind of a full-circle moment.”
As for Alison, Marlene King plans to use Season 4 to explore why anyone would even care who killed someone like her - “I'd like to go back to some of the moments where we realize why the girls were attracted to Alison,” King notes — “because she wasn’t pure evil and it does seem like [she is] in Season 3. We’re now seeing her darker, mean girl side. But there’s definitely a flashback coming up on Season 3B where we see a more vulnerable side of Alison.”

*THAT* was the reveal? I wanted more! Oh, [SPOILER WARNING] because: Notes! So, ok, the reveal. Could've been more dramatic, I liked the slap, though.. Did the ID tag say "Lamb" btw? Wolf in sheep's clothing..? Ha.
Ok, notes!
· So! Who's "she"..?
· Caleb's hair could be a little longer ♥
· Lol, "not girl on girl talk, just girl talk.." :)
· Red Coat Reflection! Discuss..
· Lol, #fashionvictim
· "Some lies are worth the risk," spoken like a potential A, js.. I'm looking forward to seeing how Paige & Caleb plan to get into A's lair and take A down..
· The Scrabble Board:
· Ok don't even get me started on the Ali Hallucination, I don't even.. Sometimes I think she's really there, sometimes - if Ali was really there, how could Ali have taken her diary pages and then they were still in the doll after..?
· And I'd like to see what happened to the plant Aria poured the tea over, though #dead
· So, personally, I will be very disappointed if it turns out Byron & Meredith killed Ali..
· Who was Melissa calling? "Do I have to call 911 to reach you?" 911 - Wren? He's a Surgeon. Garrett? He was a cop..
· BUUUT told you Byron wasn't the last to see Ali. Melissa, you're up next..
· And DESTROYING EVIDENCE AGAIN, you girls have only yourselves to blame I hope you know..
- A Messages: "Next time, you'll be left faceless."
- Questions Answered: None
- Questions Not Answered: At last count, all of 'em.. Maybe more.
- Not in this episode: Ezra, Jason, Wren, Jenna, Mike. Lucas, Noel, Cece, Wesley.
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We know Spencer(Troian Bellisario) will find out about Toby's (Keegan Allen) nefarious secret identity at some point during Pretty Little Liars Season 3B, and it increasingly sounds like she'll be one of the first to find out.
With that in mind, we've come up with a wish list of five things we'd love to see happen after Spencer realizes Toby is on the "A" team.
1. An epic flip-out. It sounds like this is in the cards, but we definitely want to see Spencer lose it a little bit. We think Troian Bellisario would rock a breakdown.
2. Hardcore investigating. In the same spirit, we also hope to see Spencer buckle down and put her mad investigating skillz to good use as a way to channel her rage.
3. Realizing what it means to have a love one accused. We love Spencer, but she's not exactly been tactful when it comes to accusing the other Liars' loved ones, and she certainly hasn’t been understanding ofHanna's (Ashley Benson) mixed feelings toward Mona (Janel Parrish). We're hoping to see some character growth now that the shoe's on the other foot.
4. Bonding time with friends ... and family? We'd love to see the other Liars rallying around Spence and helping her cope. And while we currently have major suspicions about Jason (Drew Van Acker) andMelissa (Torrey DeVitto), we also wouldn't say no to some sibling bonding time between Spence and her sibs.
5. Some sort of reconciliation. All that aside, we'll always be Spoby shippers at heart. We hope their story won't be as simple as "she finds out, hates him forever." Maybe she comes to understand his motives, maybe he redeems himself somehow — either way, we hope the romance isn't entirely dead.
Find more Pretty Little Liars spoilers here.
"We’re going to see Byron's participation in that evening [Ali died] and it really is eye-opening and shocking.."
Spoiler Alert: Meredith had a role to play in the night Alison was killed.. O.O