Teori #http://rosewood-clues.tumblr.com/
I know guys, I hate writing this theory :( So as well all know, Marlene King directed the “previously on” on the finale, and said it was “a present for us”. Why? Because it was awesome?? Or because there were clues in it?

So here is the gift she gave us (:

Here is what I noticed from the montage….
#1 - Caleb kissing Hanna. All these scenes are like terrible terrible things that have happened to the girls…..then there is a very quick frame of Hanna and Caleb in the alley way in 3x09. So…..why is this included? It was obviously added to the montage for a reason. But why a scene where NOTHING bad happened….? WEIRD, RIGHT?!?!?!

#2 - Caleb again. But again, why this scene? Sure it was an intense moment. But nothing compared to the elevator dropping, or Spencer finding Toby dead, or trying to be pushed off a train….

#3 - Caleb AGAIN! Obviously this was a terrible moment in the show. But could it also be foreshadowing? This is the THIRD clip in the montage of Caleb. Seems a little weird to me. There’s more clips of him than of the liars.

Then there was an interview with one of the PLL writers, where this was said…
Plus, many of the characters have been confirmed for Season 4….Caleb is not one of them..yet….
Last we saw Caleb he ran off to go find his dad. We all know what happens when people disappear on the show…
The montage was very Caleb focused…..season 4 is very Hanna focused…..oh no guys :( I really really hope this theory isn’t true!