Väldigt bra teori (hoppas ni kan läsa engelska..)
Could Ali be in Witness Protection??? If she IS alive, this is my theory: Ali kept getting LIFE threatening notes from A (“Next time it’ll be your head”, etc.), and genuinely was concerned for her life, so she was put in Witness Protection. It is very common for the police to fake a death in order to ensure the safety of the victim in Witness Protection. Here’s what leads me to believe that….
So first, there’s the Alison visits. Every one of the girls has now had a vivid “hallucination” of Allison. Here are a few clues that point to Witness Protection:
-She tells Hanna “I came back, even though it was dangerous.” Then called A, a bitch. Dangerous to come back? Because she has to hide her identity? And why is A a bitch? Cause they’re the ones who forced you into hiding? And she left a trace of her signature red lipstick on a cup on Hanna’s tray.
-When she visits Emily, she tells Emily that she can go with her. Originally, we thought she meant, like, heaven, cause Emily was on the brink of death. But what if she LITERALLY just meant she could leave with her right then? We all know they were planning on running away to Paris together (:
-When she visits Spencer, she takes a couple pills and says “Ooo pain killer, mind if I take a couple for the road?” to which Spencer says “What road?! Are you still hiding out as Vivian?!”…..Enough said. When Spencer wakes up, the pill bottle is on the table, open.
-For Aria, it was the doll by the door. And Aria even ASKS “is this a dream?” (which would usually wake a person up if they WERE, right?), and Ali replies “No. I’m more real than ever.” Then she says “I was desperate for that money”. Why? To support yourself while hiding? Or maybe to pay Wilden to hide you?
Then of course there’s “Vivan Darkbloom”. Is this Ali’s witness protection identity? I thought it was odd when the girls found that fake ID. First, it looks nothing like Alison. Second, the girls said Alison already HAD a fake ID, and it wasn’t that. So what was her reason for having it? Unless it was her new identity….
Marlene King also keeps hinting that a PLANE is a clue for events to come. Remember pilot Duncan? He said he saw Ali/Vivian (he knew both her identities) the weekend she disapeared. How did Duncan know Ali’s alter identity? Did he help her escape that weekend?
—-If Ali IS alive, I think she went into hiding, fearing for her life.