A couple of things I noticed!
Okay so I can’t remember where it was, but I remember seeing a screen shot of the season 3 finale when the liars are standing there with Mona looking at something/someone and are all shocked. Mona’s in a black hoodie, and even she looks shocked. I’m kind of thinking maybe the A-team is run by someone unknown to all of the people that are working on it. Someone is telling Mona what to do, but they might not be the person in charge- it could be a secret to even those on the A team (maybe it’s Ali or a twin, or even Jason) but maybe that picture is all of them seeing another member of the A team that even mona didn’t expect.
In season one at Noel’s first cabin party, Maya and Emily kiss in the photo booth… somehow A knows to take those pictures right away. I’m starting to think that maybe Maya was somehow working for the A team, but when she came back she found out more than she was supposed to know, hence Mona’s “maya knew” message.
I also kind of have a theory that some people are targeted and used by the A-team for a short amount of time. Some of them are sucked into it for a long time, and some of them manage to get out. We know Paige got a text from A during the mid-season finale, and Mona received a text from A back in season 2… who knows if she was actually on the A team or not at that point in time.
Also… whatever happened to Dr. Sullivan? She was taken by A, and “did everything they asked” in order to get freed… and she said they threatened her son. I found it odd that she smiled at Toby towards the end of that scene, and I find it even more odd now that he’s part of the A-team. Could Toby maybe Dr. Sullivan’s son, and he’s maybe being threatened, or maybe he told her he’s in too deep? I know his mother died, but there’s always the possibility he could be adopted.. I saw an interview with Keegan Allen that Toby is definitely evil and has a vengeance against the girls, and I also saw that the 3B finale is extremely twisted and jaw-dropping.
Can’t wait for the new season:)