Haha ^^

Haha ^^

alittletooquiet asked: Did you realize that the person who put the screwdriver in the door was not wearing a red coat? That person had on camouflage. Alison/Courtney/RedCoat saved the Liars by dragging them outside. The real A was too busy setting Toby up. Or am I over thinking ?
Yup! We did catch on that. The person was wearing some sort of fire-resistant overalls. We think it’s the same person seen in the woods, just right before he was struck in the head.

I think the person who struck Toby was with this person though.
Ashley ♥

Shay ♥

Shay ♥

Haha ^^

Twitter, lite sen...

Poor Emily...

Jag tror inte att Mona ljög om att hon inte visste vem red coat var när hon besökte Mona på Radley, hon bar kanske mask som på kyrkogården. Det finns troligen två A-teams och att de båda kontrolleras av red coat aka Aliosn och några andra personer/någon annan person som också är red coat och hon är den personen som räddade Alison den natten när någon försökte döda henne och denna någon Melissa, Jenna eller kanske Wilden. Så det första A-Team är Melissa, Shanna, Jenna och Wilden och de gör de flesta dåliga sakerna, mördar och och går efter NAT club just för dessa videor, jag tror också att dom A meddelanden dom från Alison och de tror att de får dem från de 4 tjejerna, det är däför de anser att de är fiender. Det andra A-teamet är Mona som faktiskt startade att detta ensam sen blev hon joinad av Toby i 2x12 eller före, hon tog emot order från red coat i avsnitt 2x25. Det enda jag inte kan förklara är hur Spencer kan ha de där fotona på Jenna, var det hon som spionerade och sände meddelandet från -A, var det en order från Mona eller gjorde hon det på egen hand. Spencer kanske vet mera är vad vi tror...
Jag har själv översatt, det tog ganska länge...

Sneak Peek 3x24 “A Dangerous Game"
Sneak Peek 3x24 “A Dangerous Game"
Sneak Peek 3x24 “A Dangerous Game"
Sneak Peek 3x24 “A Dangerous Game"
Promo 3x24 "A Dangerous Game"
· "If Wilden's looking for his car, he's not A.." Good point, huh? ;)
· Lol, "Ex and the City.." New on ABC Family!
· I think it should be noted that Eddie was the one who gave Spencer the puzzle..
· And Wren didn't know that Spence was in Radley?? Does that make him not!A too..? Either? Grammar..
· He definitely has control over Eddie, that's for sure..
· Ooh who hit Alison..? I'll bet anything she threw the first punch..
· Aww Spencer's PI :( I actually saw some someone call that, well done! I guess he "knew too much.. -A"
· Nooo don't make Caleb cry!! Do whatever you want with Filler!Haleb but you can't make Caleb cryyyyyyy!:(
· Lol, "she said her name was Alison." Hoooo boy...
· The name on Mona's ID tag was Ali.. She wanted to be her so bad..
· That was one trippy hallucination, Spence, I thought they didn't have you on the good stuff..?
· Wren is acting very A-like, I think this rules him out as A :(
· Ezria broke uuuuuup! The trumpets sound ♪♫ La la laaa.. But is it for good? Probably not, it never is..
· And Toby's tattoo rears its ugly head again.. So is he dead, or isn't he..? Does anybody else hear Randy from Scream yelling, "his body'll come popping up in the last reel somewhere! Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!"
· EDIT: Someone on tumblr suggested that the tattoo looked.. "smudged"..? ;)
· And OHHH SPENCER'S ON THE A-TEEEEEAM! But is she a double agent..?
"There's a formula to it! A very. simple. formula! EVERYBODY'S A SUSPECT!" :)
- A Messages: 1, about A framing Jamie.. Dun dun dunnn.
- Questions Answered: What do you think..?
- New Questions: Aint nobody got time for that!
- Not in this episode: Jason, Paige, Mona, Jenna, Noel, Lucas, Wilden, Melissa, Cece, couple other "little people" and (all together now!) Mmmmmmmi-- yeah, you know.. :(
Spoiler! nr. 2
Don't go down there if you don't want to see!!
.At your risk !
.Ezrians will be shocked in the season finale! It was revealed by Ashley Benson that all the liars will be trapped with the A-Team and a killer might be with them.
-Don't go down there if you don't want to see!!
.At your risk !
-Jenna & Melissa are in the Finale.
-Spencer Comes face-to-face with the girl in the red coat.
-We find out who is in the 'Queen of Hearts' costume.
-We find out Alison's killer.
Haha ^^

Sneak Peek 3x24 “A Dangerous Game"

Sneak Peek 3x24 “A Dangerous Game"

Märkte du?



Sneak Peek 3x23 "I'm your puppet"
Sneak Peek 3x23 "I'm your puppet"
Sneak Peek 3x23 "I'm your puppet"
Sneak Peek 3x23 "I'm your puppet"
Janel Parrish i Regard magazine

On the hit ABC Family show, Pretty Little Liars, Janel Parrish plays the fiesty Mona. As fans of the show, we were so happy to feature Janel in our current issue. Janel showed us her moves as she posed in designs by Blaque Label.
We all had a fabulous time! Thanks a million Janel for a fantastic shoot!! Follow Janel on Twitter:
Ashley ♥

Shay i Teen vogue ♥

Shay Mitchell on the Cover of Teen Vogue
Pretty Little Liars' Shay Mitchell is on the April cover of Teen Vogue! In the feature, the star opens up on being true to herself - Shay's first suggestion, when asked to think of something "fun" to do during her Teen Vogue interview, is a trapeze class. "I just love a thrill," the 25-year-old explains, shortly after sitting down to her notably less death-defying second-choice activity: making candles. We meet at Make Meaning, a craft lover's dream on Manhattan's Upper West Side (Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise are regulars!), and despite the decidedly low-key environment, the Canadian-born actress is serving up some serious Hollywood-style glamour in black leather leggings, a low-cut T-shirt, and a short-sleeved neon pink jacket. "People are always shocked that I don't dress like Emily," she says, referring to her far sportier on-screen alter ego. "But I'm not her. I'm more comfortable in heels than I am in sneakers."
Clearly, Shay isn't afraid to stand out. But as she talks about her breakthrough role as one of the few lesbian teens on television ("It means so much to me when someone says, 'Thank you for playing this role' ") and the charity that's closest to her heart (the Somaly Mam Foundation, whose mission is to protect women and children from sexual slavery and trafficking), it's evident that her boldness is more than just skin-deep.
· Sounds like Spencer didn't get into Radley on purpose..?
· Unless the Joker card symbolises she's aware she's faking it..
· Did anybody recognise what Spencer was playing on the piano? Might be relevant..
· http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olly_olly_oxen_free
· "Every time someone says "family" or "parents" on this show, they should totally do air quotes" (Heather Hogan)
· Hello Wilden! So does that mean Toby's realy *really* dead, or do we move on to Jason now..?
· A reminder that E Lamb is in the system - can we trust him?
· Lol, Emily: "Yes, I swim.."
· "Nothing works underwater, it's a scientific fact!" :)
· Do you ever wonder if they're sorry Emily let those guys throw out all of Alison's things in the first episode? I still can't believe they did that..
· Byron: "I spend a lot of my time making amends to someone for something" Ezra: "There's no shortage of bad judgement in this world.." You guys both sound like A right now, FYI..
· So Toby's Mom was cray-cray..
· I hate how Mona calls Ali 'Ali'..
· "You're as sane as I am.." Well that's comforting!
· Soo what was in that car that Wilden wanted so bad..? A body, perhaps..?
· And now Spencer's hallucinating..
· Woohoo we're going to carnivale! Next week look's creeeeepy, I can't wait! Another body, and Emily looks upset!
- A Messages: Not a one. The cone is silent.. EDIT: Oh the photo of Ashley & Wilden! Duh.. Tx Samantha ;)
- Questions Answered: Ali wasn't pregnant. Oh, and Wilden isn't dead :(
- New Questions: Which Radley employee was helping Mona on the inside?
- Not in this episode: Jason, Paige, Caleb, Wren, Lucas, Noel, Jenna (sorry Holly), Cece. .......Mike.


Jenna = red coat?

Clevver tv, sneak peek finale
Åååh, jag vill så gärna veta vem det är som är "the red coat". Jag hoppas bara att vi också får se, att dom inte låter oss det. Utan att vi måste vänta till säsong 4... Vem vet?
Promo 3x23 "I'm your puppet"
Vad tror du?

Sneak Peek 3x23 "i'm your puppet"


Well Emily said that he got a text from him that he is hiding out at a friends. Why would they be worried if they thought he was hiding because he thought someone was trying to kill members of the NAT club? I saw that picture of Toby’s body that people think there is a stab wound but it’s totally just a shadow from his belt loop. You can see the way the light is reflecting by the tattoo also, Look at it again:

I mean, I don’t really believe it’s Toby’s body though. IDK who it is for sure. We never saw a face. I thought it could be Harold, Jason, Toby or Wilden. But we know it’s not Wilden now that we see him alive and well. (Unless the body was staged and no one was really dead.)
Ashley Benson #Seventeen

3x22 "Will the circle be unbroken"
Sneak Peek 3x22 "Will the Circle Be Unbroken"
Sneak Peek 3x22 "Will the Circle Be Unbroken"
Sneak Peek 3x22 "Will the Circle Be Unbroken"
Sneak Peek 3x22 "Will the Circle Be Unbroken"
Promo 3x20 "Will the Circel be Unbroken"
Gifs (hoppas inte dom kom i oordning)

R.I.P Toby

Sneak Peek 3x22 "Will the Circle Be Unbroken"

Sneak Peek 3x24 “A Dangerous Game"

Sneak Peek/gifs


Bild ♥

Bilder ♥

Haha, hennes min! :)

Sneak Peek 3x24 “A Dangerous Game"