Märkte du?/teori

Teori: "They went to the nearest factory thing, and then cece stopped the thing because they werent going to get Emily out in time, and then Spencer followed Alison to Ezra's lair, and Cece only attacked Aria, because she didn't want to get caught."

No, I dont think that is what happened. Look:

The red coat that stopped it ran to the right.
Aria looks up an notices there is another one going up the stairs

Aria chases the one going up the stairs and kicks off her mask, it’s Cece.

Spencer chases the one that went to the right, which lead her to the A lair. (Assuming that it was Alison that was wearing that red coat.)Alison is the one that stopped the saw. 

 Tagen härifrån

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Hittade den här nyss :)

Det behöver inte betyda nåt men ändå...

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Has anyone else noticed some PLL images in the Ravenswood promo? Like, the Hastings Cabin, Mr Hastings' gun, and Ezra's cash..?

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Alla röda jackor/kappor än så länge (+ det som kom i senaste avsnittet

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För er som inte ser står det Marlene King och Bryan M. Holdman

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Vissa tror att Cece har tagit Alisons gula topp, men så är inte fallet. Man kan se att Ceces topp har smala gula band medan Alisons topp-band är tjockare :)

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Märkte du?/teori

So we noticed the left image has been going around Tumblr (credit to whoever lightened it, brilliant idea) and we instantly thought that, that is not Alison’s face.

Everything about that face looked all to familiar and very structured. We soon realised that it is actually a MASK! The mask from the halloween episode “Its a Dark Ride.”

So the person in the red coat is obviously wearing a mask and a blonde wig! x

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pllloverstheories asked: If you watch this is a dark ride, when Alison goes to tuck Jenna's hair behind her ear, you can see it clearly says Alison. The last letter is a N on the bracelet, not a y. I thought it was a Y at first too, but it's pretty clear it says Alison if you watch the scene again.

Märkte du?/teori

fyahfly asked: Okay I know this probably has nothing to do with anything but I started watching PLL over again after I came across all of these theories. I just watched the "Camp Mona" episode, where Toby comes back from hiding and tells Emily what he was trying to tell her the night of homecoming. He says "I spent a year in reform school. I've got friends in all the wrong places and misery loves company" And then his reveal as A just so happens to be in "Misery Loves Company" So crazy! Just thought I'd share



For everyone else wondering, “Camp Mona” is from Season 1, Episode 10 Keep Your Friends Close (We really should post of S1 recaps. We just haven’t had the time but promise to try and work on them soon).

Here is a photo from that scene where Toby says that line to Emily.


The second photo is a shot from right after he said it.

One other thing he said that stood out was that he broke things off with Jenna on September 1st. That’s the same day Alison disappeared. Also, note that he said that he asked for Alison’s help in breaking it off with Jenna.

Season 3, Episode 16 is titled Misery Loves Company.

Now, these can’t be coincidences, or can they? ;)



Har du märkt?

Alison + Cece = Alice
Detta är något som flera redan har kommit på, men flickan från Halloween avsnittet heter ju Alice... Så det blir ju ett sammansatt ord egentligen....

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Emily finds the note card behind the picture of Spencer and Toby?
Märkte du? Jag märkte inte... Haha

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Does anyone else find it weird that there were two blonde dolls in the doll house when only one of the liars is blonde? IDK if it is significant, but A does seem to have a doll for each person. Could one be Ali or Cece?

Teori/märkte du?

"In the Cape May picture of Wilden, it's Noel, Wilden, then some random dude. I don't know if you got that yet but if you haven't, there you go!:)" 

You really think so? I blew it up and I still don’t think it looks like him. :/


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Is this why Alison said not to drink it, or just because she knew about Meredith's plan?

*Notice the -A*
Jag kanske har lagt ut denna bild förut, minns inte...

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