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Deadly nr. 14

Sneak Peek 4x01 "A is for ALIVE"

Shay ♥

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Hittade den här nyss :)

Pretty Dirty Secrets 1x08 "The "A" Train"
Pretty Dirty Secrets 1x07 "CAll Security"
Pretty Dirty Secrets 1x06 "AssociAtion"
Teori #
Almost everyone has been blamed for Alison’s murder, except for Emily. Emily is the “innocent one”. No one ever suspects her. But what if we should be? This is my theory that Emily killed Alison (and NOT on the -A team). Here’s what I dug up.
#1 - Emily’s reaction. Look closely at these reactions. The first is Emily’s reaction to finding Alison’s body. The second is Emily’s reaction to finding Maya’s body? Notice a HUGE difference?? I did! She barely reacts to Alison’s death. Why? Alison was her BEST friend, and she was in love with her. She knew her for WAY longer than Maya. If anything, Emily looks….guilty in the first photo…..

#2 - In “The Perfect Storm” the first scene of Em is her rushing into her room and locking the door. She is covered head to toe in dirt, and then gets a text from -A saying “There’s only so much you can bury, Emily. You’re not done with me yet.”
At first we are led to believe that Emily trashed Alison’s memorial. But she says when she got there, it was already destroyed, and she grabbed the statues cause they were the only thing not broken. Hm…that seems weird. Why would she be covered head to toe in dirt if she just grabbed the statues? And what is Emily “burying”?

#3 - Emily’s motive. We all know that Alison was kinda a tease when it came to Emily. One moment she is kissing Emily in the library, the next she’s saying “What are you doing?! Just because we kissed in the library, doesn’t mean I’m into you like that.” and “Believe me, if I’m kissing you, it’s just practice for the real thing.”

#4 - The letter she wrote Alison. We all know Emily was hurt by Alison. She wrote Alison that letter….three days before she disappeared. Here’s a line from that letter “You’re not afraid of hurting me, so I wonder why I’m so afraid of hurting you.” Hmmm….
#5 - This scene really kinda struck me. It is the scene where Emily is spilling her guts to Dr. Sullivan. She says “I killed someone. Someone had a life. Someone was a living, breathing person.”
What struck me about this was two things. One, she doesn’t say “I killed HIM. HE had a life. HE was a living, breathing person”. She uses a non-descript pronoun.
Second, was the look on her face as she was saying this. It almost looks like she’s smiling a little…..

See what I mean?
#6 - Of course the flashback. Emily is under hypnotherapy, when she remembers the night Aly died. Emily is holding a shovel. Angry. And Alison is screaming.
Later she says that she “mixed up the memories”. But that still means that she had some hidden memories of that night, right? The whole story just seemed suspicious….

Could Emily have snapped? Sick of all of Ali’s games she’s playing with her emotions?
Anything is possible in Rosewood (;
Pretty Dirty Secrets 1x05 " TrAde Off"
Teori #
This was a theory sent to me by request! The theory that Maya was on the -A team. I am going to take that theory, and do my own version on it! Here it goes!
#1 - The timing. Maya entered Emily’s life the same time -A did. Maya has been around since the pilot, where Emily got her first -A text. And who was the text about? MAYA. But it wasn’t even a text… was a note. A bit odd for -A, no? A handwritten note about Maya in Emily’s locker. Who goes to Emily’s school? Maya.

#2 - The photos. Emily and Maya had that memorible make-out session in the photo booth. When they got out, the photos were conveniently missing. These photos later end up in the hands on Hanna, and Emily’s mom. Who wanted Emily to start being honest with herself, and to stop hiding? Maya. What a better way to do it than secretly slipping photos to everyone close to her.

#3 - Maya had Alison’s stuff. In the pilot, we see a giant pile of Alison’s stuff on the curb. Maya said there was even more inside. Then in “Eye of the Beholder” Jason says that Maya dropped off MORE of Alison’s stuff; Maya was missing at the time, and Emily was surprised when Jason said it was from Maya. Mona somehow has her hands on a lot of Ali’s stuff (her diaries for example). Ever wonder how she got it? (;

#4 - True North. Maya was gone a LONG time at True North….but what happened while she was there? She ignores Emily most of the time there, and when Emily finally reaches her she says Maya sounds “distant”. Like she’s moved on. Hm that’s weird considering she was in love with her when she left, and she was in love with her when she came back. And Emily dated/liked Paige AND Samara during that time, making Maya jealous? Could Maya have been doing dirty -A team work during that time? It’s a perfect alibi, no? (; And many people found the lighter in the finale suspicious of referencing True North….

#5 - Maya Knew. Mona gave this infamous code to Hanna and Aria. “Miss Aria You’re A Killer Not Ezra’s Wife”, spelling “MAYA KNEW”. What did Maya know? Some people are saying she “knew about Nate coming to Rosewood”. What?? Mona gave them everything they needed to figure that out with the website! So what did Maya know? Perhaps about the inner workings of the -A team?

#6 - Maya’s bedroom. In the pilot, Spencer sees a blonde in Alison’s bedroom. Of course we are supposed to believe it is Alison, but Maya had already moved in at that point. What if this was the first sighting on the infamous blonde wig?

#7 - Maya’s suspicious friendships. We know Maya had a “texting relationship” with Noel. Garrett picked her up the night she died, but didn’t kill her. She was seen suspiciously talking to Jason, but we never found out about what. And she apparently hung out with Holden as well. None of these relationships were ever really explained.

#8 - Maya’s secrets. Going off the last theory….how come we never knew Maya was going to the Kahn parties? She was dating Emily at the time. And what is she hiding with Jason? And how did she end up crashing at Noels? Why so many secrets Maya?

#9 - The videos on the website. Ok so Nate was obviously a crazy stalker. But why wouldn’t Maya go to the police? Maya only said that she was afraid of someone on the videos on her site, not that it was Nate. Could she have been afraid of the -A team?

What if Maya was on the -A Team all along. Recruited to get close to Emily (much like Toby and Spencer). But when she fell in love with Emily, she wanted to leave the -A Team. That’s when she tried to run away to San Francisco, and the -A team killed her before she could leave.
What do you think!?!? xo

Pretty Dirty Secrets 1x4 "I'm A Free MAn"
Teori #
I know guys, I hate writing this theory :( So as well all know, Marlene King directed the “previously on” on the finale, and said it was “a present for us”. Why? Because it was awesome?? Or because there were clues in it?

So here is the gift she gave us (:

Here is what I noticed from the montage….
#1 - Caleb kissing Hanna. All these scenes are like terrible terrible things that have happened to the girls…..then there is a very quick frame of Hanna and Caleb in the alley way in 3x09. So…..why is this included? It was obviously added to the montage for a reason. But why a scene where NOTHING bad happened….? WEIRD, RIGHT?!?!?!

#2 - Caleb again. But again, why this scene? Sure it was an intense moment. But nothing compared to the elevator dropping, or Spencer finding Toby dead, or trying to be pushed off a train….

#3 - Caleb AGAIN! Obviously this was a terrible moment in the show. But could it also be foreshadowing? This is the THIRD clip in the montage of Caleb. Seems a little weird to me. There’s more clips of him than of the liars.

Then there was an interview with one of the PLL writers, where this was said…
Plus, many of the characters have been confirmed for Season 4….Caleb is not one of them..yet….
Last we saw Caleb he ran off to go find his dad. We all know what happens when people disappear on the show…
The montage was very Caleb focused…..season 4 is very Hanna focused…..oh no guys :( I really really hope this theory isn’t true!
Frågestund! ♥

Väldigt bra teori (hoppas ni kan läsa engelska..)
Could Ali be in Witness Protection??? If she IS alive, this is my theory: Ali kept getting LIFE threatening notes from A (“Next time it’ll be your head”, etc.), and genuinely was concerned for her life, so she was put in Witness Protection. It is very common for the police to fake a death in order to ensure the safety of the victim in Witness Protection. Here’s what leads me to believe that….
So first, there’s the Alison visits. Every one of the girls has now had a vivid “hallucination” of Allison. Here are a few clues that point to Witness Protection:
-She tells Hanna “I came back, even though it was dangerous.” Then called A, a bitch. Dangerous to come back? Because she has to hide her identity? And why is A a bitch? Cause they’re the ones who forced you into hiding? And she left a trace of her signature red lipstick on a cup on Hanna’s tray.
-When she visits Emily, she tells Emily that she can go with her. Originally, we thought she meant, like, heaven, cause Emily was on the brink of death. But what if she LITERALLY just meant she could leave with her right then? We all know they were planning on running away to Paris together (:
-When she visits Spencer, she takes a couple pills and says “Ooo pain killer, mind if I take a couple for the road?” to which Spencer says “What road?! Are you still hiding out as Vivian?!”…..Enough said. When Spencer wakes up, the pill bottle is on the table, open.
-For Aria, it was the doll by the door. And Aria even ASKS “is this a dream?” (which would usually wake a person up if they WERE, right?), and Ali replies “No. I’m more real than ever.” Then she says “I was desperate for that money”. Why? To support yourself while hiding? Or maybe to pay Wilden to hide you?
Then of course there’s “Vivan Darkbloom”. Is this Ali’s witness protection identity? I thought it was odd when the girls found that fake ID. First, it looks nothing like Alison. Second, the girls said Alison already HAD a fake ID, and it wasn’t that. So what was her reason for having it? Unless it was her new identity….
Marlene King also keeps hinting that a PLANE is a clue for events to come. Remember pilot Duncan? He said he saw Ali/Vivian (he knew both her identities) the weekend she disapeared. How did Duncan know Ali’s alter identity? Did he help her escape that weekend?
—-If Ali IS alive, I think she went into hiding, fearing for her life.

Pretty Dirty Secrets 1x03 "A VoicemAil"

Pretty Dirty Secrets 1x02 "A Reunion"

Pretty Dirty Secrets 1x01 "A ReservAtion"
Pretty Dirty Secrets
Sneak Peek bilder "Ravenswood"


Har ni märkt?